The service provider is Enternum Solutions OÜ. The company is registered in Estonia with registry code 12625685.
Here you will find important information about paid services in the game.
The game refers to Enternum (
Game staff has no control over payment service providers.
We can not and will not take responsibility for issues caused by them.
Information about contacting the relevant service provider is provided in this document.
Game staff will take full responsibility for completing orders where payment has been completed.
Deciding if a payment is completed or not will vary between service providers.
All orders will become invalid when a game world ends (a reset).
A reset will be notified via the in-game news system at least one month before happening.
A game world will usually last 3 years before a reset happens.
Points you have ordered and used are not refundable.
A refund will not be issued even if what you have ordered has lost it's value.
This can for example happen when a game world ends or a bug has been exploited.
If you would like to cancel an order or have any complaints you can get in touch at any time before the game world ends.
To get in touch please use the contact page.
TOP 10 (World 11)
- 1. NeAndDerthal
- 2. VanaRaibe
- 3. Mbappe
- 4. Flow
- 5. Diktaator
- 6. Privaatne
- 7. Hollywood
- 8. Destroyer
- 9. Bradley
- 10. Needus
TOP 10 (World 13)
- 1. Jupiter
- 2. Garant
- 3. Husqvarna
- 4. Anomaalia
- 5. Ayeee
- 6. Tege123
- 7. Beekeeper
- 8. Dexter
- 9. skorpion
- 10. Murka1